Grant Request Piedmont CASA, Inc.

Hermanowski Family Foundation Initial Request Form

Organization Name: Piedmont CASA, Inc.
Legal Name (if Different): Piedmont CASA Court Appointed Special Advocates, Inc.
Also Known As: Piedmont CASA
Mailing Address: 818 East High Street
City: Charlottesville
State: VA
Postal Code: 22902
Main Phone: 434-971-7515
Main Fax: 434-971-3060
Organization Website:
Employer ID Number: 54-1704064
Organization Tax Status: 501(c)(3)

Proposal Information

Today’s Date: March 30, 2018
Requested Amount: $4,000

Project Title: Provide Trained CASA Volunteers for 280 Abused and Neglected Children in FY19
Project Description:

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the most serious health problem we have in the U.S. is the complex trauma caused by Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). Without intervention, childhood abuse and neglect can lead to improper brain development, impaired learning, and anxiety. It can trigger a higher risk for heart, lung, and liver diseases as well as obesity, cancer, and high blood pressure. Absent effective trauma-informed treatment, victimized children are less likely to obtain gainful employment when they grow up, more likely to get in trouble with the law and, tragically, more likely to perpetuate the cycle of abuse and neglect with their own children.

Our Volunteers actively promote the intervention these young victims need. They are well trained to assist the court and child welfare system in ensuring safety, appropriate placement, and the services necessary to ensure physical health, mental health, and educational stability.

Because they are not impeded by jurisdictional boundaries, PCASA Volunteers are able to stay with children throughout the life of a case. This ensures that when service providers, placements, and schools change, our Volunteer provides continuity and stability for the child as well as maintaining and sharing pertinent case history with new social workers, caregivers, and service providers. Moreover, many team members involved with a child abuse and neglect case work with only one aspect of the family situation. A CASA Volunteer compiles all of the information and presents it to the judge in a comprehensive report with fact-based recommendations as to the child’s best interests.

Research shows that children with CASA Volunteers spend less time in foster care, experience fewer out-of-home placements, and have improved educational performance. Local judges value this work so highly that they refer 100% of child abuse and neglect cases brought before them to Piedmont CASA.

Total Project Budget: $683,234

Other Funding
Sources For The Project (Committed & Potential): Potential Funding for FY 2019: National CASA, DCJS (Department of Criminal Justice Services), VOCA (Victims of Crime Act), Albemarle County, City of Charlottesville, and Charlottesville Area Community Foundation, Bama Works Fund of Dave Matthews Band, J&E Berkley Foundation, Inez Duff Bishop Charitable Trust, E. C. Wareheim Foundation, MLG Foundation, and more. Individual donations compose approximately 47% of our funding. Our single event, a Bracket Breakfast, contributes another 3%.

Project Duration: July 1, 2018 – June 30, 2019
Geographical Area Served: City of Charlottesville and the counties of Albemarle, Greene, and Louisa, Virginia
Age Group To Be Served: Newborn to 18+

Contact Information

Contact Prefix (Mr,Mrs etc.): Ms.
Contact First Name: Lexie
Contact Last Name: Boris
Contact Title: Advancement Director
Contact Phone: 434-971-7515
Contact Email: