Grant Request CityDance

Hermanowski Family Foundation Initial Request Form

Organization Name: CityDance
Legal Name (if Different): CityDance
Also Known As:
Mailing Address: 4000 Albemarle St. NW, Suite 304
City: Washington
State: DC
Postal Code: 20016
Main Phone: 202-347-3909
Main Fax:
Organization Website:
Employer ID Number: 52-2165072
Organization Tax Status: 501c3

Proposal Information

Today’s Date: 3/30/2018
Requested Amount: 10,000

Project Title: DREAM
Project Description:

DREAM, founded in 2005, is an award-winning program that seeks to level the playing field for children and teenagers living in high-poverty D.C. neighborhoods by providing access to the highest-quality dance training, supports and services to ensure achievement in school, and resources needed for successful transitions to adulthood. These goals are achieved through the DREAM Center for Dance, providing a comprehensive tuition-free dance program integrated with wrap-around academic, college readiness, and family services for grades 3-12; and DREAM Connections, providing free after-school dance classes and in-school performances at eleven D.C. public and charter schools for grades 3-5.
Our program model addresses the needs of the whole child through a 10-year journey (grades 3-12) with the goals that students graduate from high-school, enroll in college, and are equipped with the tools and skills necessary to pursue their full potential. These goals are achieved through the following four core program elements:
– Dance Education and Performance are the core transformational elements through which our youth develop the ability to reach their full potential.
– Academic Services provide early and consistent academic intervention to ensure on-time high school graduation and college-readiness.
– College Readiness (grades 8-12) removes barriers to college access including programs that prepare parents/guardians to support their child’s path through college logistically, financially, and emotionally.
– Family Engagement and Support Services focus on the well-being of each youth in their individual family context.
With a dedicated team of professional teaching artists and experienced social services staff, these four program areas are integrated into an individual case management approach. We work closely with families, school administrators, and counselors to ensure that the many facets of a student’s life are coordinated holistically.

Total Project Budget: 883,171

Other Funding
Sources For The Project (Committed & Potential): DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities, $110,000 Committed; DC City Fund, $40,000 Committed; United Way of the National Capital Region Grant, $50,000 Confirmed; The Share Fund, $10,000 Confirmed; The Strebor Foundation, $10,000 Pending; Keck Foundation, $100,000 Confirmed; Harman Family Foundation, $10,000 Confirmed; George Preston Marshall Foundation, $10,000 Confirmed; Fowler Founation, $30,000 Confirmed; Barbara Epstein Foundation, $20,000 Confirmed; Dweck Foundation, $25,000 Confirmed; Delta Dream Foundation, $15,000 Confirmed; Clark-Winchcole Foundation, $7,500 Confirmed; Clark Charitable Foundation, $5,000 Confirmed; Cafritz Foundation, $30,000 Confirmed; Bernstein Family Foundation, $20,000 Confirmed; Bender Foundation, $50,000 Confirmed

Project Duration: Ongoing
Geographical Area Served: Washington DC
Age Group To Be Served: 8-18

Contact Information

Contact Prefix (Mr,Mrs etc.): Mrs. Jessica Malcom
Contact First Name: Jessica
Contact Last Name: Malcom
Contact Title: Grant Consultant
Contact Phone: 703-231-2887
Contact Email: