Grant Request Pediatric Oncology Support Team, Inc.

Hermanowski Family Foundation Initial Request Form

Organization Name: Pediatric Oncology Support Team, Inc.
Legal Name (if Different):
Also Known As: POST
Mailing Address: 5325 Greenwood Ave, Suite 301
City: West Palm Beach
State: FL
Postal Code: 33407
Main Phone: (561) 882-6336
Main Fax:
Organization Website:
Employer ID Number: 45-4769367
Organization Tax Status: 501(c)3

Proposal Information

Today’s Date: 3/21/16
Requested Amount: $10,000

Project Title: The Butterfly Program: Giving Help and Hope to Local Children Fighting Cancer
Project Description:

"Your child has cancer." Are there worse words a parent can hear? Yes, there are. "I’m sorry, there are no more treatments to cure your child or prolong their life." The Pediatric Oncology Support Team, Inc. (POST) is a palliative care team there for families throughout treatment and at the end of life. We need help to give families emotional and financial support so they can focus on what is truly important – easing suffering and making memories.
Since our referrals have increased significantly – 40% during the past 2 years– we are helping more children than ever. The majority of these children survive their battle with cancer, but 20% will not. Excellence in palliative care has been particularly hard to maintain during this growth period. Funding for services at POST has not kept pace with client growth. Our proposal is to increase the depth and breadth of services we give to these brave children and their families.

We cannot change devastating medical outcomes but POST therapists and programs can help ease their burden and support the family through the darkest of times. Emotional support comes from therapists who help the family make difficult decisions, sit with them through tough conversations with physicians, and are bedside at every stage – including at the end of life.

Families are emotionally devastated after months or years battling cancer and need “family time” to build lasting memories so we propose to provide them with respite outings to restaurants, theme parks, etc. POST proposes to advocate with the schools on the child’s behalf to create the most meaningful experience possible. We propose to help financially depleted families financially with housing, transportation, food and funerals. We will also provide education to hospice physicians and to hold an annual memorial service and bereavement support for surviving family members.

Total Project Budget: $45,000

Other Funding
Sources For The Project (Committed & Potential): Committed: BallenIsles Foundation, Pending: Honda Classic, Potential: Alleghany Fransiscan Ministries

Project Duration: ongoing
Geographical Area Served: 7 South Florida counties
Age Group To Be Served: 0-21

Contact Information

Contact Prefix (Mr,Mrs etc.): Dr.
Contact First Name: Barbara
Contact Last Name: Abernathy
Contact Title: President & CEO
Contact Phone: (561) 882-6336
Contact Email: