Grant Request Best Foot Forward Foundation
Hermanowski Family Foundation Initial Request Form
Organization Name: Best Foot Forward Foundation
Legal Name (if Different): same
Also Known As: BFF
Mailing Address: 9045 La Fontana Boulevard, Suite 111
City: Boca Raton
State: FL
Postal Code: 33434
Main Phone: 561.470.8300
Main Fax: 561.922.6459
Organization Website:
Employer ID Number: 30-0598378
Organization Tax Status: Nonprofit
Proposal Information
Today’s Date: 3/27/2017
Requested Amount: 7,000
Project Title: Best Foot Forward Grounded for Life, formerly known as BFF Educational Advocacy Program
Project Description:
Youth in foster care face several challenges. Many have suffered abuse and neglect, and there is often little stability in their lives. Foster children are shuffled frequently to new homes—and subsequently new schools. Each school change puts these already vulnerable children behind their peers. In Palm Beach County, less than half are academically proficient and up to two-thirds more score in the lowest proficiency categories compared to their peers. As a result, less than half of foster youth graduate high school and only 2-3% graduate college.
BFF is a constant support through so much upheaval, uncertainty, by providing educational services to over 60 youth. BFF assist foster youth at a critical time when they are at-risk for dropping out of high school and for future poverty, homelessness, unemployment, and incarceration—an unfair consequence of circumstances over which they have no control.
Funding will support BFF’s Educational Advocacy Program, now known as Grounded for Life, a pragmatic, measurement-based program that improves academic outcomes for foster youth in middle and high school in Palm Beach County. Youth are taught how to communicate with their teachers to stay caught up/get help when they need it and are provided one-on-one, personalized tutoring and mentoring sessions; test taking/study skills assistance; instruction and guidance in the entire post-secondary education process; and communication skill development. BFF programs ensure foster youth have the same tools afforded to children in traditional homes. Without it, they have no one championing their education or guiding them towards successful futures.
BFF will build upon our successful track-record yielding positive impacts over the past five years of participating foster youth:
*100% high school graduation rate
*95% of students on-track to be promoted to the next grade level
*91% decrease in school suspensions
*69% decline in school absences
*82% reduction in school tardiness.
Total Project Budget: $449,680
Other Funding
Sources For The Project (Committed & Potential): AT&T Aspire: $130,000; Jim Moran Foundation: $59,325; ChildNet $18,480; Children’s Services Council: $14,261.50; Executive Women of the Palm Beaches: $10,000; City of Boca Raton $5000; Boca Raton Regional Hospital Foundation $4000; Trio Foundation of St. Louis $10,000; Individuals: $23,060
Project Duration: August 1, 2017 to July 31, 2018
Geographical Area Served: Palm Beach County, Florida
Age Group To Be Served: Ages 11-18 (middle and high school)
Contact Information
Contact Prefix (Mr,Mrs etc.): Ms.
Contact First Name: Debbie
Contact Last Name: Ellman
Contact Title: Co-Founder
Contact Phone: 561.470.8300
Contact Email: