Grant Request KidSafe Foundation

Hermanowski Family Foundation Initial Request Form

Organization Name: KidSafe Foundation
Legal Name (if Different):
Also Known As:
Mailing Address: 5944 Coral Ridge Drive #241
City: Coral Springs
State: Florida
Postal Code: 33076
Main Phone: 5617151077
Main Fax:
Organization Website:
Employer ID Number: 27-1067698
Organization Tax Status: 501c3

Proposal Information

Today’s Date: 2/5/2016
Requested Amount: 5,000

Project Title: P.A.C.E \”Preventing Abuse of Children through Education
Project Description:

Sexual abuse and exploitation is the single most prevalent health concern facing children today (C. Townsand, 2013). According to the CDC, 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys will be sexually exploited before the age of 18. Annually, more than 60,000 cases of child sexual abuse are reported nationwide, which is only a fraction of the incidents that occur since most victims never report. The effects of sexual abuse extend far beyond childhood. Sexual abuse robs children of their childhood and creates a loss of trust, feelings of confusion and guilt and self-destructive behavior. It can lead to mental illness, depression and anxiety, identity confusion, loss of self-esteem, substance abuse, teen pregnancy, elopement, suicidal behaviors and other serious emotional problems. It can also lead to difficulty with intimate relationships later in life. According to the CDC there are also long-term issues resulting from sexual abuse including higher rates of chronic health conditions and mental illness, higher rates of unemployment, instability, domestic violence, chronic substance abuse and a shortened life span. However, 95% of child sexual abuse and exploitation is preventable with education according to the Child Molestation Research Institute. KidSafe programs break the cycle of silence surrounding abuse and provide education to children, parents and professionals with a proactive approach. “KidSafe for Kids” 8-week, 30 minute curriculum for children in grades PreK-4 – 5th grade. Children learn important safety skills and receive the Safe and Smart book series; “My Body is Special and Belongs to Me!” and “Jack Teaches his Friends to be KidSafe!” Parent Seminars – These seminars increase awareness, deliver knowledge and provide skills to parents to keep kids safe. We dispel the myth of stranger danger, educate about “red flag behaviors” of adults, help parents recognize “red flag behaviors” of children in need, educate on reporting procedures, provide strategies for communication with children and teach the KidSafe Language of Safety. This seminar provides the tools to talk to children about sensitive topics in a comfortable natural manner. Teacher/Counselor/Staff Workshop- The workshops cover how to recognize children at risk for abuse, professional protocol, mandated reporting procedures and how to respond to disclosure. KidSafe educates on how to reinforce the use of KidSafe Prevention skills at school, and much more. This professional development seminar empowers teachers with awareness and skills which can be integrated into their everyday classroom management to best keep children safe.

Total Project Budget: 50,000

Other Funding
Sources For The Project (Committed & Potential): Schmidt Family Foundation $10,000 Committed, DanPaul Foundation $5,000 Committed, Boca West Foundation $15,000 Committed, Walter & Adi Blum Foundation $7,500 Pending, JR League of Boca Raton $2,500 Pending, Soroptimist $1,500 pending

Project Duration: 1 year
Geographical Area Served: South Florida
Age Group To Be Served: children 4-11, parents and teachers

Contact Information

Contact Prefix (Mr,Mrs etc.): Mrs.
Contact First Name: sally
Contact Last Name: berenzweig
Contact Title: Cofounder & Executive Director
Contact Phone: 5617151077
Contact Email: