Grant Request Child Protection Team of Palm Beach County, Inc.

Hermanowski Family Foundation Initial Request Form

Organization Name: Child Protection Team of Palm Beach County, Inc.
Legal Name (if Different):
Also Known As: CPT
Mailing Address: 5305 Greenwood Ave. Suite 101
City: West Palm Beach
State: FL
Postal Code: 33407
Main Phone: 561-433-3544
Main Fax: 561-357-9622
Organization Website:
Employer ID Number: 65-0746922
Organization Tax Status: 501(c)(3)

Proposal Information

Today’s Date: 3/29/2015
Requested Amount: 10,000

Project Title: Personal Hygiene Kits/Care Packages
Project Description:

We are seeking funds to provide Personal Hygiene Kits/Care Packages to
approximately 225 abused, sexually abused and criminally neglected children. The CPT
operates the ONLY forensic medical clinic serving alleged child abuse victims in the
County. Our doctors also examine victims in emergency rooms; and, unfortunately at
the morgue or medical examiner’s office as necessary. CPT services are free and
available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Our goal is to provide a kit to every child
abuse victim examined in our clinic. We started this project last year. The responses
from the children and caregivers were unimaginable. You\’d have thought we were
distributing toys or video games from the reactions we got giving out shampoo,
deodorant, and diapers.
The gender & age-appropriate kits facilitate discussion between CPT staff, victims and
caregivers about hygiene and follow-up care. Readily available supplies and medicines
encourage better follow-up care; reduce further infections and medical expenses, and
support victims and caregivers in a challenging time. Baby kits include diapers, wipes,
formula, etc. plus 1st aid supplies in a diaper bag. Child and teen kits include similar 1st
aid items, plus underwear, socks, and personal hygiene items in a backpack. All kits
include brochures in English, Spanish, and Creole. This year, we would like to include
school supplies and possibly something fun for the kids- a toy or gift card for older kids.
Previous kits cost $35 on average to produce. With the additional items, we estimate
kits will cost approximately $48 each.
We operate on a slim budget with strict restrictions on reimbursable expenses. We can
only fund special projects like this with grants and private donations. Thank you for the
opportunity to submit an LOI and the Foundation’s support of Florida’s children. We
appreciate your time and consideration.

Total Project Budget: 65,715

Other Funding
Sources For The Project (Committed & Potential): Hagen Family Foundation

Project Duration: July 1, 2015 – June 30, 2016
Geographical Area Served: Palm Beach
Age Group To Be Served: 0 -17

Contact Information

Contact Prefix (Mr,Mrs etc.):
Contact First Name: Sharyn
Contact Last Name: Cornett
Contact Title: Executive Assistant
Contact Phone: 561-433-3544 Ext. 234
Contact Email: sharyn,