Grant Request Center for Creative Education

Hermanowski Family Foundation Initial Request Form

Organization Name: Center for Creative Education
Legal Name (if Different):
Also Known As:
Mailing Address: 2400 Metrocentre Blvd.
State: FL
Postal Code: 33407
Main Phone: (561) 805-9927
Main Fax: (561) 805-9929
Organization Website:
Employer ID Number: 65-0594599
Organization Tax Status: 501(c)3

Proposal Information

Today’s Date: June 4, 2024
Requested Amount: $10,000

Project Title: The Foundations School at Center for Creative Education Tuition Assistance Program
Project Description:

Center for Creative Education intentionally established The Foundations School in an area of West Palm Beach that is home to some of the county’s poorest performing schools based on state standardized testing. We focus our recruitment on zip codes 33401,33404, 33407 and 33409, based on Palm Beach County’s Zip Code Report published by the Children’s Services Council of Palm Beach County. This report ranks zip codes based on health and education factors that include but are not limited to percent of families with children in poverty, children scoring not ready for school, children scoring not reading on 3rd grade reading level, and high school graduation rates. The zip codes we focus on fail nearly all, if not all those metrics and are labeled as the ‘most challenged zip codes’ in the county. Last year, in our incoming kindergarten class, only one out of 12 students were deemed truly kindergarten ready. This highlights the insufficient assessment and preparation for children who must navigate the emotional and academic transition into a school environment. By providing tuition assistance, the school provides a more inclusive learning environment where students from various backgrounds can learn and grow together. Students receiving financial aid benefit from the unique arts-integrated curriculum, leading to stronger academic achievement and social-emotional well-being. Financial aid allows The Foundations School to welcome students from all walks of life, creating a diverse learning community that enriches the school experience for everyone.

Total Project Budget: 520,000

Other Funding
Sources For The Project (Committed & Potential): Batchelor Foundation, Ford Foundation, Palm Beach Community Trust

Project Duration: 2024-2025 school year
Geographical Area Served: West Palm Beach
Age Group To Be Served: Grades K-5

Contact Information

Contact Prefix (Mr,Mrs etc.): Ms.
Contact First Name: Marcy
Contact Last Name: Hoffman
Contact Title: Grants Manager
Contact Phone: 5616858154
Contact Email: