Grant Request Evolving Wellness
Hermanowski Family Foundation Initial Request Form
Organization Name: Evolving Wellness
Legal Name (if Different): Evolving Wellness Corp
Also Known As:
Mailing Address: 2645 Harlem Street
City: Eau Claire
State: WI
Postal Code: 54701
Main Phone: 715-514-4233
Main Fax:
Organization Website:
Employer ID Number: 83-1351910
Organization Tax Status: Tax-exempt – 501(c)(3)
Proposal Information
Today’s Date: 3/31/24
Requested Amount: 5,000
Project Title: Art with Heart
Project Description:
Art with Heart (AwH) is a national program that was created by an advisory team composed of mental and physical health providers, education professionals, bereavement specialists, developers of social emotional learning programs, and others. Specific curriculum was developed for three different age groups, and is assembled as an art journal for students along with a robust teacher guide for program facilitators.
AwH has been using the healing power of creative expression to support kids and youth for over 20 years. This therapeutic, art-based curriculum is a proven path to transforming pain into possibility. Workbooks and detailed curricula empower adults to effectively help kids to work through their feelings, build resilience, and see a future full of possibility via creative expression.
AwH is a 16-week trauma-informed program with 90-minute group sessions once per week. The lessons and activities focus on self-awareness, self-management, relationship awareness, and decision-making. There is a powerful relationship between a child’s emotional experiences and his/her physical and mental health as an adult. Studies show that early adverse experiences affect mental and physical health even up to a half-century later.
Evolving Wellness (EW) has brought together facilitators who have been trained by a licensed Art Therapist, who will oversee the program. This April facilitators will meet with students, starting with the 8-10 year old age group (grades 3-5), to facilitate "Draw it Out." This summer EW will offer the next level "Ink About It" geared for ages 11-12 (grades 6-8). EW is working with DHS-CLTS to identify youth who would most benefit from the program. EW also has "private pay" clients who would like to attend, but find the cost prohibitive. This grant request is to supplement the cost of the program through a scholarship program that would offer families a sliding payment scale based on household income.
Total Project Budget: 29,575
Other Funding
Sources For The Project (Committed & Potential): Pablo Foundation, PEMF Service Revenue, WDHS-CLTS, Eau Claire Community Foundation
Project Duration: April 2024-March 2025
Geographical Area Served: Chippewa Valley, Wisconsin (Eau Claire, WI and surrounding communities)
Age Group To Be Served: 8-12 years old
Contact Information
Contact Prefix (Mr,Mrs etc.): Ms.
Contact First Name: Laura
Contact Last Name: Berndt
Contact Title: Executive Director
Contact Phone: 715-514-4233
Contact Email: