Grant Request Family Promise of the Lower Cape Fear
Hermanowski Family Foundation Initial Request Form
Organization Name: Family Promise of the Lower Cape Fear
Legal Name (if Different):
Also Known As:
Mailing Address: 20 N. 4th Street, Suite 440
City: Wilmington
State: NC
Postal Code: 28401
Main Phone: 910-769-4730
Main Fax:
Organization Website:
Employer ID Number: 56-1925967
Organization Tax Status: 501(c)3
Proposal Information
Today’s Date: 2/28/2024
Requested Amount: $7,500
Project Title: Investing in a Child’s Future – Because Every Child Deserves a Place to Call Home
Project Description:
Since 1996 we have been investing in children’s future through a shelter program and transitional housing. This program is not only a compassionate endeavor but a strategic move for the community. Preventing family homelessness is paramount, especially considering the profound educational challenges that homeless children face. Research indicates that they are three times more likely to require special education, eight to nine times more likely to repeat grades, and 42% more likely to drop out of school at least once. The gravity of these challenges is further highlighted by the alarming statistics: seven times more likely to attempt suicide, and 47% suffer from anxiety, depression, or withdrawal.
The educational impact extends to their future prospects, with homeless youth being 20% less likely to graduate high school. This not only affects individual lives but has broader implications for the community, resulting in lower tax contributions and increased reliance on public services. The economic toll is significant, with each high school dropout contributing to an estimated net negative of $127,000.
Addressing homelessness early is not only a moral imperative, prioritizing the well-being of our children, but it is also a strategic investment in community health. Our shelter program is designed to go beyond providing a physical space; it includes ensuring that children have access to educational resources, tailored support, and maintaining continuity in their education during their shelter stay. This holistic approach aims not only to break the cycle of homelessness for the family but also to empower children with the tools they need for a brighter and more stable future.
Total Project Budget: $547,000
Other Funding
Sources For The Project (Committed & Potential): Committed $495,000, Potential $100,000
Project Duration: Ongoing
Geographical Area Served: Brunswick, New Hanover and Pender counties North Carolina
Age Group To Be Served: Zero and up.
Contact Information
Contact Prefix (Mr,Mrs etc.): Mrs.
Contact First Name: Anne
Contact Last Name: Best
Contact Title: Executive Director
Contact Phone: 910-769-4730
Contact Email: