Grant Request Maryam Parman Foundation For Children

Hermanowski Family Foundation Initial Request Form

Organization Name: Maryam Parman Foundation For Children
Legal Name (if Different): Maryam Parman Foundation For Injured Children
Also Known As:
Mailing Address: 1421 N. Wanda Road Suite 120
City: Orange
State: CA
Postal Code: 92867
Main Phone: 949.520.0721
Main Fax:
Organization Website:
Employer ID Number: 82-3765508
Organization Tax Status: excempt

Proposal Information

Today’s Date: 1/29/2024
Requested Amount: 10,000

Project Title: Intensive Therapy For Kids
Project Description:

The goal of the Maryam Parman Foundation For Injured Children’s program “Intensive Therapy For Kids” is to provide access to intensive therapy for injured and disabled children who come from low-income families who cannot afford the treatment. We provide funding until the child has reached their personal goals based on their evaluations and medical conditions. 90% of the children will reach their personal goals and overcome their personal struggles through this program, which has a significant impact on each child for the rest of their lives. Our organization has several children on our Intensive Therapy For Kids waitlist. This grant would cover 2 children’s four-week intensive therapy sessions at the NAPA Center in Los Angeles. Examples of children’s conditions who undergo this type of therapy are children with rare gene mutations, cerebral palsy, and severe autism. Each intensive therapy session is different depending on the the child’s condition. For example, Koen, a child currently in the program, required a 4 hour session, consisting of 2 Neurosuit hours, 1 CME (Cuevas Medek Exercise) hour, and 1 Feeding Therapy hour. This lasted 5 days a week for 4 weeks. We would use this grant to expand our Intensive Therapy Program and allow 2 children who are on our waitlist to experience these life changing therapies.

Total Project Budget: 100,000

Other Funding
Sources For The Project (Committed & Potential): We receive the majority of our funding from the general public and as income from fundraising events we throw such as a golf tournament and an annual gala. We also apply for various grants from private foundations for other sources of funding. We will use our combined savings and monies raised in 2024 to fund this project. The majority of our funding comes from the general public at our fundraising events and in the form of sponsorships from corporations.

Project Duration: Year-round
Geographical Area Served: Throughout the United Stated
Age Group To Be Served: 2-18

Contact Information

Contact Prefix (Mr,Mrs etc.): Mrs
Contact First Name: Ashley
Contact Last Name: Roberts
Contact Title: Director of Marketing and Fundraising
Contact Phone: 949.520.0721
Contact Email: