Grant Request Mercy Housing CAlifornia
Hermanowski Family Foundation Initial Request Form
Organization Name: Mercy Housing CAlifornia
Legal Name (if Different):
Also Known As: Mercy Housing
Mailing Address: 1256 Market Street
City: San Francisco
State: CA
Postal Code: 94102
Main Phone: 415-355-7136
Main Fax: 415-355-7101
Organization Website:
Employer ID Number: 94-3081666
Organization Tax Status: 501(c)(3)
Proposal Information
Today’s Date: 1/25/24
Requested Amount: 8,000
Project Title: Sunnydale-Visitacion Valley Youth Leadership and Development
Project Description:
Mercy Housing California (MHC) was selected by the City of San Francisco, through its HOPE SF Initiative, to work with residents of the distressed 50-are Sunnydale public housing site and the surrounding Visitacion Valley neighborhood to re-envision, redesign and rebuild the public housing complex and integrate it with the larger neighborhood to create a thriving community. As part of this neighborhood revitalization effort, MHC has developed extensive programs to support neighborhood residents with key issues impacting their lives. This youth leadership project is part of that work.
For this project, MHC will engage 40+ diverse at-risk girls and boys (ages 14 to 21 years) from Sunnydale public housing and the surrounding Visitacion Valley neighborhood in a youth leadership and development program that provides adult mentors, academic information and college tours, cross-cultural relationship building and violence prevention, artistic expression, guidance on making healthy choices and community service work experience.
This neighborhood is rich in diversity and culture. At the same time, residents face multiple challenges. The unemployment rate for households is over 70%, and the average household income is around $15,000 a year. Fewer than 1/3 of residents have graduated high school. These systemic problems span multiple generations.
With its rows of barracks-style housing, Sunnydale has had virtually no space for children and youth to safely gather and play. Without creative after-school and summer programming, youth have tended to get drawn into unsafe situations, conflicts and street violence.
MHC is working with the City of San Francisco, residents and multiple community organizations to transform these conditions. This program is designed to help at-risk youth begin to see themselves as agents of positive change in their community and to envision new possibilities for their future.
This short video (2min:51sec) helps provide context for MHC’s work in Sunnydale – Visitacion Valley:
Total Project Budget: 125,871
Other Funding
Sources For The Project (Committed & Potential): City of San Francisco, Wells Fargo Foundation, The O’Shea Foundation
Project Duration: 12 months (10/1/24-9/30/25)
Geographical Area Served: San Francisco, CA 94134
Age Group To Be Served: 14-22
Contact Information
Contact Prefix (Mr,Mrs etc.): Ms.
Contact First Name: Jessica
Contact Last Name: Soske
Contact Title: Grants Manager
Contact Phone: 415-355-7136
Contact Email: