Grant Request fletchyannbiney foundation
Hermanowski Family Foundation Initial Request Form
Organization Name: fletchyannbiney foundation
Legal Name (if Different): Gifty Biney
Also Known As:
Mailing Address: 16408 valencia ave #715
City: fontana
State: ca
Postal Code: 92335
Main Phone: 909-243-3646
Main Fax:
Organization Website: www.fb
Employer ID Number: n/a
Organization Tax Status: 87-1947128
Proposal Information
Today’s Date: 1/24/24
Requested Amount: $ 7,500.00
Project Title: school project
Project Description:
The purpose of this program is to improve student literacy skills and academic achievement by providing
increased access to up-to-date library materials, a well-equipped, technologically advanced school library and books
The Improving Literacy through School Libraries, program promotes comprehensive local strategies to
improve student reading achievement by improving school library services and resources. The program
is one component of the school commitment, to improve student achievement by focusing available
School library center will have an important role to contribute to the success of local reading improvement
efforts by increasing collaboration between instructional and school library center staff, providing additional
instructional materials and resources.
Total Project Budget: $ 35,000.00
Other Funding
Sources For The Project (Committed & Potential): Our sources for the project is through donations and In- Kind
Project Duration: 3 years
Geographical Area Served: Ghana west /Africa
Age Group To Be Served: 12-18 years
Contact Information
Contact Prefix (Mr,Mrs etc.): Ms
Contact First Name: Gifty
Contact Last Name: Biney
Contact Title: CEO
Contact Phone: 909-243-3646
Contact Email: