Grant Request HBA Charitable And Education Foundation
Hermanowski Family Foundation Initial Request Form
Organization Name: HBA Charitable And Education Foundation
Legal Name (if Different):
Also Known As: HBACEF
Mailing Address: 6140 West Creek Rd
City: Independence
State: OH
Postal Code: 44131
Main Phone: 216-447-8700
Main Fax:
Organization Website:
Employer ID Number: 91-2093465
Organization Tax Status: 501c3
Proposal Information
Today’s Date: 1/24/2024
Requested Amount: $10,000
Project Title: The Pre-Apprenticeship Certificate Training (PACT) Program
Project Description:
HBACEF is seeking funding for the PACT Program, which is the pre-apprenticeship curriculum ideally suited for school-based instruction. Vetted by subject matter experts, PACT guarantees students will learn residential construction focused skills, receive hands-on training, and master the knowledge needed for employment in an entry-level job in the building industry. HBACEF is working with Mayfield School District in Ohio for a pilot program to help high school students learn trade skills.
Classes are 75% hands-on and are competency-based and industry validated. They are aligned with STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). In addition, it is one of three national curricula recognized and approved by the U.S. Department of Labor and several states’ Departments of Education. PACT offers curriculum in nine trade specific disciplines: carpentry, electrical, plumbing, brick masonry, landscaping, painting and finishing, building construction technology, weatherization, and HVAC. Access to HBI’s Learning Management System (LMS) a web-based platform of training tools and content to assist the instructor and student with the curriculum.
Total Project Budget: $1,657,200
Other Funding
Sources For The Project (Committed & Potential): 0
Project Duration: 1/1/2024-12/31/2024
Geographical Area Served: Cuyahoga County and Surrounding Areas
Age Group To Be Served: High School Students
Contact Information
Contact Prefix (Mr,Mrs etc.): Ms.
Contact First Name: Brenda
Contact Last Name: Callaghan
Contact Title: Executive Director
Contact Phone: 216-447-8700
Contact Email: