Hermanowski Family Foundation Initial Request Form

Legal Name (if Different):
Also Known As:
Mailing Address: 350 Anchor Rd. Suite 1050
City: Casselberry
State: FL
Postal Code: 32707
Main Phone: 4074087857
Main Fax:
Organization Website:
Employer ID Number: 931706095
Organization Tax Status: 501c3

Proposal Information

Today’s Date: 11/30/2023
Requested Amount: 10000

Project Title: Club Fiya
Project Description:


There are at-risk youth aged 13-18 years in the Seminole County area who lack basic life skills. The statistics show that Seminole County is Florida’s 13th most populous county with 2.2% of Florida’s population. Within this community, there is an extremely high crime rate. The problem is progressively getting worse due to the increase in crime and juvenile delinquency rates. The goal of our program is to provide etiquette, leadership development, physical fitness, mental health awareness and financial literacy to these at-risk youth.


The program will be successful when the youth that we serve demonstrate a 10% increase in their life skills development, a clear understanding of financial management, reduction in obesity and increase in healthy eating choices. Additionally, the youth that are served will demonstrate coping skills which are obtained during mental health awareness sessions.


Upon entering into our program, the youth will complete a needs assessment during orientation. Based on the results of the assessment, the youth will be enrolled in a 12-month, 6-month, or 3-month program which will include sessions related to life skills development, etiquette, financial literacy, mental health awareness, and physical fitness. Various events will be implemented throughout the course of the program including a Back to School Bash (where the youth will be provided with community resources), a Private Dinner at a local Upscale Restaurant, an End of School Luncheon & Award Celebration, Hands-on cooking opportunities and opportunities to participate in local sporting events. Upon completion of the program, the youth will participate in a Graduation Ceremony and will be provided with a Certificate of Completion.


Overall, the resources needed for the program are a building/permanent location to host the various programs, transportation to and from the MPOWER Center, funding for Advertisement and Marketing.

Life Skills Development Sessions

In order to effectively host our life skill development sessions, we will need staff to educate the youth in relation to leadership, critical thinking, problem-solving, psycho-social competence, interpersonal skills, making choices, innovation, effective communication, and all other skills which will be included in the sessions.

Etiquette Sessions

In order to effectively host our etiquette sessions, we will need staff to educate the youth in relation to various forms of etiquette. We will need the following equipment: tables, chairs, table settings, banquet supplies, and multimedia equipment.

Financial Literacy Sessions

In order to effectively host our financial literacy sessions, we will need staff to educate the youth in relation to financial skills, credit management skills, bank account management, and checks and balances. We will need the following equipment: multimedia equipment, workbook packets, calculators, funding for programing to provide basic budgeting skills.

Mental Health Awareness Sessions

In order to effectively host our mental health awareness sessions, we will need staff to educate the youth in relation to emotional development, coping mechanisms, interpersonal skills and effective communication. We will need multimedia equipment as well as other creative tools which can be used to assist with coping based on the results of the youth’s initial assessment.

Physical Fitness Sessions

In order to effectively host our physical fitness sessions, we will need staff to educate the youth in relation to health and wellness. This will include providing cooking courses, home economics courses, storage space for food items (food pantry), basic kitchen equipment and utensils. Additionally, the youth will participate in local community activities such as kickball tournaments, weekly exercise by playing various sports.


Portions of the Life Skills Develpoment and Physical Fitness have been implemented such as the Back to School Bash and we currently participate in annual local kickball tournaments and host King’s Court Basketball programs. We are in the beginning states of the etiquette, financial literacy, mental health awareness and physical fitness sessions.


The current statistics in Seminole County reveal the areas of need, such as Casselberry, Altamonte Springs, and Sanford. These areas will immediately benefit from programs such as those listed above. Therefore, the program will be successful and beneficial to the community.

Total Project Budget: 10000

Other Funding
Sources For The Project (Committed & Potential): None

Project Duration: 12 Months
Geographical Area Served: Casselberry, FL
Age Group To Be Served: 13-18

Contact Information

Contact Prefix (Mr,Mrs etc.): Dr.
Contact First Name: Andre
Contact Last Name: Martin
Contact Title: Director
Contact Phone: 4074087857
Contact Email: