Grant Request Zuri’s Circle

Hermanowski Family Foundation Initial Request Form

Organization Name: Zuri’s Circle
Legal Name (if Different): Zuri’s Circle My Beautiful Circle
Also Known As:
Mailing Address: 11499 N 88th lane
City: Peoria
State: Az
Postal Code: 85345
Main Phone: 4807799874
Main Fax:
Organization Website: www.Zuri’
Employer ID Number: 471793530
Organization Tax Status: 501(c)3

Proposal Information

Today’s Date: 7-20-23
Requested Amount: 7,000

Project Title: Zuri’s Circle Community Learning Garden
Project Description:

Zuri’s Circle Community Learning Garden is an essential initiative for children in Kindergarten to 2nd grade because it provides them with a unique opportunity to connect with nature and learn valuable skills. This program allows children to engage in outdoor activities that promote physical activity and healthy eating habits. Additionally, gardening is an excellent way for children to learn about cooking, science, biology, and the environment.
The Zuri’s Circle Community Learning Garden provides a safe space for children to learn, grow, cook and it also fosters a sense of community. The program brings together children, parents, and volunteers from diverse backgrounds, creating an inclusive environment where everyone can learn and collaborate. By working together to cultivate the garden, children learn valuable social skills such as teamwork, communication, and problem-solving.
Furthermore, the Zuri’s Circle Community Learning Garden is an excellent way to introduce children to the concept of sustainability. Children learn about the importance of reducing waste, conserving resources, and protecting the environment. By instilling these values at a young age, the program helps to create a generation of environmentally conscious individuals who will continue to make positive contributions to their communities. Overall, the Zuri’s Circle Community Learning Garden is an invaluable program that provides children with a unique opportunity to learn and grow while fostering a sense of community and environmental responsibility.

Total Project Budget: 13,000

Other Funding
Sources For The Project (Committed & Potential): $2,000 commuted from private donor

Project Duration: 12 months
Geographical Area Served: Peoria Az
Age Group To Be Served: K-2nd graders

Contact Information

Contact Prefix (Mr,Mrs etc.): Mes
Contact First Name: Kimberly
Contact Last Name: Muhammad
Contact Title: Co Founder/Executive Director
Contact Phone: (623)326-3127
Contact Email: