Grant Request Laurel Civic Association, Inc

Hermanowski Family Foundation Initial Request Form

Organization Name: Laurel Civic Association, Inc
Legal Name (if Different):
Also Known As: Laurel Civic
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 511
City: Laurel
State: FL
Postal Code: 34272
Main Phone: 9414833338
Main Fax:
Organization Website:
Employer ID Number: 65-0187752
Organization Tax Status: 501(c)(3)

Proposal Information

Today’s Date: March 31,2023
Requested Amount: $10,000.00

Project Title: Empowering Youth Programs
Project Description:

Laurel Civic Association is requesting $10,000 to support our urgent and critical Empowering
Youth Program (EYP), a multi-faceted, positive youth development outreach program that
focuses on intervention and prevention strategies to provide at-risk children and teens in South
Sarasota County with the skills and structure they need to succeed. We believe that children
deserve to be nurtured, supported, and empowered to become lifelong learners, leaders,
community role models, productive workers, and self-sufficient citizens. Our year-round services
help more than 200 children from kindergarten through high school to meet their daily
nutritional, educational, and social challenges.
EYP began 35 years ago as a safe environment for mainly at-risk youth, with an emphasis
on learning and adopting a positive approach to problem-solving for their oftentimes chaotic
lives. Currently, it includes many children from ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained,
Employed) families that live on the affluent margins of society. According to Florida’s United for
Alice statistics, there are more than 30,000 ALICE families in Sarasota County.
EYP includes four key programs: Kids Café, Homework Assistance, Teen Empowerment
Summer Program, and Summer Reading Program.
Kids Café – Hungry children are often unable to focus, making it difficult to concentrate on
homework and reading assignments. During the school year, our Kids Café provides a nutritious
meal to all our children in a safe environment when they arrive after school. Studies (Mayo
Clinic/CDC) show that food security plays a vital role in the development of a child’s well-being,
both physically and mentally, and our program addresses this need. The meals we provide also
ensure that no child goes home hungry, which is essential because some of the children and
teens may not receive a meal when they return home in the evening. During the summer, we
provide meals to attendees of our Teen Empowerment Program.
Homework Assistance Program – Working in partnership with the Sarasota County Public
Schools, we serve up to 75 students from five area schools every Monday through Friday, 3:30
– 5:30 p.m. We provide all students’ transportation, having them bused to Laurel Civic at the
Sandra Sims Terry Community Center. Once the students are fed in our Kids Cafe and have
some free time, they complete homework assignments, special projects, and reading. Our
curriculum also provides at-grade-level assignments that complement what students are
learning in school. The students are guided by staft, volunteers, and teachers from the Sarasota
County School District. We have laptops for every child and Internet access. Overall, we provide
exemplary academic support programs and services that enrich the learning experiences of all
participants in a personal and loving manner. All these practices have resulted in outcomes
including measurable improvements in reading, consistent on-time grade advancement, and a
100 percent graduation rate.
Teen Empowerment Program – This seven-week summer life-skills camp for teens focuses
on students in the tenth and eleventh grades to explore educational, career, and training
opportunities that match their interests and aptitudes. Since 2001, this one-of-a-kind camp has
served more than 600 South County teens, creating lasting change for them, their families, and
the community. Through seminars, field trips, team building, and teen-oriented sessions on
issues not covered in school, this unique camp gives youth the chance to learn valuable life
skills and personal growth strategies. The sessions include presentations on occupations and
trades and include college campus visits. Teens also meet previous program graduates whose
experiences inspire their self-esteem and help build their confidence. Each teen creates a plan
for life after high school to set them on a course for success following graduation. The program
includes daily breakfast and lunch.
Summer Reading Program – This program is a six-week summer program to increase
reading skills and abilities for academically at-risk children ages 6-11. In this performance-based
program, students are encouraged to read with a volunteer to help maintain and increase their
reading levels throughout the summer and prevent “The Summer Slide.” In partnership with The
Sarasota County Library System, we help these children learn, share, and evolve their love for
reading. Our goal is to help them to learn and love to read so that they will read to learn for the
rest of their lives.
Total Project Budget: $275,000.0

Total Project Budget: $275,000.00

Other Funding
Sources For The Project (Committed & Potential): We receive grants and donations from foundations, individuals, civic organizations, and businesses to help support all our programs. Examples include: Gulf Coast Community Foundation of Venice, the Community Foundation of Sarasota County, The Charles & Margery Barancik Foundation, the Bank of America Charitable Foundation, The William G. and Marie Selby Foundation, Neal Communities, the Venice Yacht Club Charitable Foundation, The Patterson Foundation, the Louis & Gloria Flanzer Philantrhopic Trust, Venice Presbyterian Church, The Venice Golf and Country Club, the William E. Schmidt Foundation, the United Way of South Sarasota County, Coldwell Cares, the Venice-Nokomis Rotary Club, The Plantation Community Foundation, the Osprey Nokomis Chamber of Commerce, and many more.

Project Duration: Year-round
Geographical Area Served: South Sarasota County
Age Group To Be Served: K-12

Contact Information

Contact Prefix (Mr,Mrs etc.): Mr.
Contact First Name: Peter M.
Contact Last Name: Casamento
Contact Title: Executive Director
Contact Phone: 9414833338
Contact Email: