Grant Request Real Men Real Leaders
Hermanowski Family Foundation Initial Request Form
Organization Name: Real Men Real Leaders
Legal Name (if Different):
Also Known As:
Mailing Address: 402 E. Fulton
City: Garden City
State: KS
Postal Code: 67846
Main Phone:
Main Fax:
Organization Website:
Employer ID Number: 45-1835799
Organization Tax Status: 501c3
Proposal Information
Today’s Date: February 26, 2023
Requested Amount: $10,000
Project Title: Building Youth into Leaders
Project Description:
Real Men Real Leaders is a 501c3 nonprofit that was founded in 2011 to teach male youth in Finney County life skills through hands-on core values. It is the only male-focused, youth-serving organization in Garden City, Kansas. Our mission is “cultivating young men into leaders by influencing positive decision-making”. We believe that inherent in each of the boys we serve is incredible potential.
At our beginning in 2011, Real Men Real Leaders focused on mentorship, but since its founding, also saw the need to place an emphasis on leadership to build strong leaders within the community. Consequently, in August of 2020, a committee, composed of Real Men Real Leaders board members, honorary board members, and members from the community, was formed. At that time, they created 8 Core Values for the Leadership Program. Starting in 2022, the Core Values were streamlined to 5. These Core Values were designed to create leadership skills and guide and mold the youth into reaching their full potential and to be productive, involved, and positive citizens in their communities.
Each of the Core Values has a lesson plan associated with it that is structured in a way that teaches the leadership indicators associated with the specific Core Value. When a lesson plan is completed, the youth earn a Core Value Challenge Coin. Upon completion of all 5 Core Value lessons, and after receiving the challenge coins for all 5, the youth graduate from the program and become Real Men Real Leaders alumni.
As classes graduate and Real Men Real Leaders alumni membership increases, more and more youth will have been prepared to successfully navigate life’s challenges and have the necessary skills to be positive leaders in their families, social circles, and community settings.
Total Project Budget: $65,000
Other Funding
Sources For The Project (Committed & Potential): Finnup Foundation ($25K potential); Western Kansas Community Foundation ($25K)
Project Duration: Year round
Geographical Area Served: Garden City, Kansas
Age Group To Be Served: 10-18
Contact Information
Contact Prefix (Mr,Mrs etc.): Dr.
Contact First Name: Marcia
Contact Last Name: Wynn
Contact Title: Community Developer
Contact Phone: (803) 586-4150
Contact Email: