Grant Request Cong Khal Yetev Lev Dsatmar Clymer Kyl Satmar Clymer
Hermanowski Family Foundation Initial Request Form
Organization Name: Cong Khal Yetev Lev Dsatmar Clymer Kyl Satmar Clymer
Legal Name (if Different):
Also Known As:
Mailing Address: 145 south 9 st
City: Brooklyn
State: NY
Postal Code: 11211
Main Phone: (718) 607-3996
Main Fax:
Organization Website:
Employer ID Number: 86-3569856
Organization Tax Status: 86-3569856
Proposal Information
Today’s Date: 02-23-2023
Requested Amount: $10000
Project Title: To help Sick people with their expenses
Project Description:
COVID-19 was definitely a striking period for all of us and many of us are still trying to recover from several losses that we have experienced during the pandemic be it a monetary loss or an emotional loss. However, according to the statistics, COVID-19 has mostly impacted the marginal groups of the society, the ones from those millions of families who died every day from not having access to the proper medical services or essential medicines or medicinal services when needed. These families were often unable to meet the expenses of the same and thus they had no choice other than witnessing death.
Not only the pandemic, these families are often met with such fate as they are on a daily basis unable to collect the necessary monetary help that is needed to help out themselves.
The situation that had arisen at the time of COVID-19 made us think about the horrible situation that these people are living in and helped us establishing this organisation, from then on via several crowdfunding and charities we have helped several such families in need.
We at our organisation believe that everybody has a right to live on this planet and nobody should face such consequences just out of monetary issues. Hence, we aim to provide and we continue to provideall the necessary medicines or hospital services when needed, so that they no human being has to suffer a horrible pain and accept death just out of financial crunch.
We also aim to conduct regular health camps, or medicine distribution camps and blood donation camps to widen and expand the support in several communities and aim to at least establish 100 such medical institutions that strictly aid to such families at a free of cost by the year 2026.
Total Project Budget: $100,000
Other Funding
Sources For The Project (Committed & Potential):
Project Duration:
Geographical Area Served:
Age Group To Be Served:
Contact Information
Contact Prefix (Mr,Mrs etc.): Mr.
Contact First Name: Baruch
Contact Last Name: Guttman
Contact Title: CEO
Contact Phone: (718) 607-3996
Contact Email: