Grant Request Family Promise of Spokane

Hermanowski Family Foundation Initial Request Form

Organization Name: Family Promise of Spokane
Legal Name (if Different): Interfaith Hospitality Network of Spokane
Also Known As:
Mailing Address: 2002 E Mission Avenue
City: Spokane
State: Washington
Postal Code: 99202
Main Phone: 509-747-5487
Main Fax:
Organization Website:
Employer ID Number: 91-1707988
Organization Tax Status: 501(c)3 Non Profit Organization

Proposal Information

Today’s Date: 3/31/2022
Requested Amount: 10,000

Project Title: Family Promise of Spokane: Changing the Trajectory of Homeless Children’s Lives
Project Description:

Family Promise of Spokane (FPS) envisions a community where no child experiences homelessness. For 25 years, FPS has been working to improve and transform the lives of children by equipping families and communities to end the generational cycle of homelessness.

FPS serves the "hidden homeless" – children and families. We define a family as any adult(s) caring for a minor child, including pregnant persons. There are over 3,100 K-12 aged children in Spokane County experiencing homelessness. Children who experience homelessness are three times more likely to repeat a grade and seven times more likely to attempt suicide. FPS’s three-tiered model of Prevention, Provision, and Preparation is designed to intervene early, teach positive life skills, and set up future generations to succeed and achieve their full potential.

If awarded, funding will support the Family Promise Center (FPC). We are currently renovating the lower level of this facility to increase our capacity by 25 permanent beds. Once complete, there will be 99 beds for young children and families. In addition to a safe space for sleeping, FPS provides families with other essential services, including access to kitchens, showers, laundry, and secure personal storage. Additionally, families work with Case Managers to develop an individualized plan for achieving housing and family stability. Case Managers connect families with other community partners to help families rebuild their support network and community. Thus, if the family finds themselves in trouble again, they are empowered to advocate for themselves before it’s a crisis. This model has a 54% success rate in moving families into permanent housing. Over the past two years, 100% of these families have remained stable and are thriving.

With the Hermanowski Foundation’s support, FPS believes that we can create a community where all children have the tools to reach their full potential.

Total Project Budget: 800,000

Other Funding
Sources For The Project (Committed & Potential): Committed: City of Spokane, Spokane County, Schools Out Washington, Providence Health Systems, Premera Health, Family Promise National Affiliate, Windermere Foundation,. Pending: Big Lots Foundation, Innovia Foundation, Washington Women’s Fund, First Presbyterian Church of Spokane, The Assistants Organization, State Farm, Bank of America, Wells Fargo Foundation, Numerica Credit Union, TENGA, and Umpqua Bank Charitable.

Project Duration: Ongoing, Fiscal Year is July-June
Geographical Area Served: Spokane County, Washington
Age Group To Be Served: All Ages, 0+

Contact Information

Contact Prefix (Mr,Mrs etc.): Mrs.
Contact First Name: Hilary
Contact Last Name: Michalowicz
Contact Title: Grants Manager & Assistant Director of Strategic Initiatives
Contact Phone: 509-828-7313
Contact Email: