Grant Request Casa de Amparo

Hermanowski Family Foundation Initial Request Form

Organization Name: Casa de Amparo
Legal Name (if Different):
Also Known As:
Mailing Address: 325 Buena Creek Road
City: San Marcos
State: CA
Postal Code: 92069
Main Phone: 760-754-5500
Main Fax: 760-566-3569
Organization Website:
Employer ID Number: 95-3315571
Organization Tax Status: 501(c)(3)

Proposal Information

Today’s Date: 03/31/2022
Requested Amount: $5,000

Project Title: Casa Kids Campus – Residential Services for Foster Youth
Project Description:

The mission of Casa de Amparo is to support those affected by and at risk of child abuse and neglect, through a range of programs and services that promote healing, growth, and healthy relationships. Since 1978, Casa de Amparo has been an exemplary provider in the treatment and prevention of child abuse and neglect in San Diego County. Our main campus in San Marcos, California is known as the Casa Kids Campus.

Funds will be used to support Casa de Amparo’s Residential Program that provides intensive therapeutic treatment services in welcoming, home-like cottages to foster youths who have been removed from their home due to abuse and neglect. Casa Kids Campus serves youth ages 12 through 18 years old, including children with special needs, pregnant and parenting foster girls, and their infants. Care is provided 24/7, including medical and dental care, transportation to appointments, individual and group therapy, tutoring/educational support, evidence-based parenting curriculum for young mothers, life skills workshops, nutritious meals, supervised family visitation, and recreational and therapeutic activities such as art classes, field trips, and holiday celebrations.

Casa Kids Campus offers a safe home environment where children can rest, receive comprehensive support from caring adults, and simply “be a kid.” For some, Casa Kids Campus is the first place where they can fall asleep at night knowing they are completely safe. It is a place where children who had previously been neglected can finally connect with joyful childhood experiences and begin to process their experiences and feelings in a way that feels safe for them and take their first steps toward healing.

By providing caring, trauma-informed support, our goal is to help children break the cycle of family violence and improve opportunities for a healthier future.

Total Project Budget: $6,043,200

Other Funding
Sources For The Project (Committed & Potential): Secured Funders – 2021 Residential Program: Ilse, Charles and Peter Dalebrook Fund, Ella Fitzgerald Charitable Foundation, San Diego Food Bank, Harriet E. Pfleger Foundation, St. Germaine Charities, Bolton Foundation, GEICO, Summer of Learning & Joy, Day for Change, Country Friends, County of San Diego Employees’ Charitable Organization, Samuel I. & John Henry Fox Foundation Pending Funders: United Methodist of Vista, Rancho Santa Fe Women’s Fund, Northrup Grumman/ECHO, Bolton Foundation, Nordstrom Cares, Copley Foundation, Pratt Memorial Fund, Community Development Block Grant San Marcos, Kiwanis Club, TEGNA Foundation, John Krakauer Foundation, San Diego Unified School District Community Service Association, Charles Ilse & Peter Dalebrook Fund

Project Duration: Ongoing; funds granted will be used in our 2022-2023 fiscal year.
Geographical Area Served: San Diego County, but other counties in California refer children
Age Group To Be Served: 12-18

Contact Information

Contact Prefix (Mr,Mrs etc.): Ms.
Contact First Name: Heather
Contact Last Name: Jenkins, M.A., CFRE
Contact Title: Director of Donor Relations
Contact Phone: 760-566-3582
Contact Email: