Grant Request KEO Charities
Hermanowski Family Foundation Initial Request Form
Organization Name: KEO Charities
Legal Name (if Different): KEO Charities
Also Known As:
Mailing Address: 4203 Montair Ave, Long Beach, CA 90808
City: Long Beach
State: California
Postal Code: 90808
Main Phone: 5626676730
Main Fax:
Organization Website:
Employer ID Number: 85-1966257
Organization Tax Status: 501c3 Tax Exempt
Proposal Information
Today’s Date: 03/30/2022
Requested Amount: 10,000
Project Title: First Youths Amphitheater
Project Description:
KEO Charities is creating an outdoor open space theater with a stage, for youth of all ages (10-21), with an outdoor recreational area called the First Youths Amphitheater. This amphitheater is going to be used for music, entertainment, poetry/storytelling, comedy, playing of instruments, performances, competitions and other forms of cultural and personal expressions as a form of communal creative outlet.
Program Purpose
The purpose is to make the teens in the neighborhood feel heard, safe, connected, less isolated. This is also an effort to continue the push in setting a stop to the culture of silence. This program will help students and community youth channel their inner creativity, master public speaking skills, build self-confidence, master a new musical instrument, heal, learn contemporary life and develop more pride in their Native American heritage.
Another objective of the amphitheater is that it will serve as a community improvement project, to spring vitality, beautification, and improve the overall positive town appeal. The amphitheater will also serve as a tourist attraction and bring economic improvement to the area.
Through this amphitheater we aim to develop passion and creativity in Gallup New Mexico youth with activities such as:
• Music – Singing, rap
• Plays/performances
• Stand-up Comedy
• Poetry/Story telling
• Playing of musical instruments
• Graffiti wall artistry
• Art painting
• Other forms of artistic expressions
KEO Charities just purchased a property off the historic route-66, i-40, Highway 122, Thoreau, NM 87323. The property is a 12.5-acres property in Gallup New Mexico. The amphitheater is going to make use of 3-acres of the 7.5-acres, while the 5-acres across the road is going to serve as a parking lot for the outdoor theater.
Grant funds will be used to purchase musical instruments, sound equipment, art supplies, and lighting, also grant funds would be used mental health workshops and prevention programs.
Total Project Budget: 60,000
Other Funding
Sources For The Project (Committed & Potential): T-Mobile Hometown Grant
Project Duration: one year
Geographical Area Served: Gallup New Mexico
Age Group To Be Served: 10-21
Contact Information
Contact Prefix (Mr,Mrs etc.): Ms.
Contact First Name: Samone
Contact Last Name: Keo
Contact Title: CEO
Contact Phone: 5626676730
Contact Email: