Grant Request The All American Boys Chorus

Hermanowski Family Foundation Initial Request Form

Organization Name: The All American Boys Chorus
Legal Name (if Different):
Also Known As:
Mailing Address: 1801 E. Edinger Ave. Suite 210
City: Santa Ana
State: CA
Postal Code: 92705
Main Phone: (714) 361-3920
Main Fax:
Organization Website:
Employer ID Number: 23-7376151
Organization Tax Status: 501(c)(3)

Proposal Information

Today’s Date: 2/22/2022
Requested Amount: $10,000

Project Title: The All American Boys Chorus
Project Description:

The All American Boys Chorus (AABC) is a music and performing arts program that combines music education with mentoring to help foster the self-confidence, work ethic, and leadership skills necessary to help young men succeed later in life. Adolescence is a time of great change in which friendships and adult role models become increasingly important for many youth. Non-parent adult role models extend vital opportunities and provide support and encouragement that challenge youth to grow and create a positive outlook on their influence over their own lives, families, school, and community. The impact of positive role models on youth development is compounded when both non-parent adults and peers serve as role models for young people. AABC’s programs involve thoughtful educational programming designed to progress these boys through different stages of musical development, transforming them from beginners to seasoned performers and leaders. The key to our program is collaboration and leadership development, which runs through every aspect of our programming. This includes our peer-to-peer mentoring model where more experienced AABC members serve as guides for newer members. The All-American Boys Chorus is a year-long program that includes after-school training sessions, Saturday morning rehearsals, multiple performances, and a Music Camp during the summer. On average, each participant stays with the program for approximately 2-4 years. We believe that every child has the potential for greatness and that music can be a tool to help guide young men through the difficult stages of adolescence while instilling positive qualities that they will carry with them throughout life. Being a member of the chorus goes far beyond learning to read music and master vocal skills. The boys in the program develop leadership skills, experience the benefits of hard work and team work, and are allowed the opportunity for creative expression in a supportive environment.

Total Project Budget: $676,150

Other Funding
Sources For The Project (Committed & Potential): Dr. Lawrence Browne (Committed) Oneroot Foundation (Committed) Golden State Foods Corporation (Committed) Crean Foundation (Committed) Newport Beach City (Pending) Santa Ana CDBG (Pending)

Project Duration: AABC programming runs for terms of a full year
Geographical Area Served: Orange County, CA
Age Group To Be Served: 20% are 6-9 y/o 70% are 10-14 y/o 10% are 15-18 y/o

Contact Information

Contact Prefix (Mr,Mrs etc.): Mr.
Contact First Name: Aaron
Contact Last Name: Cassaro
Contact Title: Executive Director
Contact Phone: 714-361-3920 ext 101
Contact Email: