Grant Request Freedom Reigns Ranch

Hermanowski Family Foundation Initial Request Form

Organization Name: Freedom Reigns Ranch
Legal Name (if Different):
Also Known As:
Mailing Address: 1725 Barker Rd
City: Thompsons Station
State: Tennessee
Postal Code: 37179
Main Phone: 6157212550
Main Fax:
Organization Website:
Employer ID Number: 81-4634781
Organization Tax Status: 501(c)3

Proposal Information

Today’s Date: 1/6/2022
Requested Amount: 5,400

Project Title: Junior Rancher Mentor Program
Project Description:

In the Junior Ranchers Mentor Program, participants are put into groups of no more than 8 individuals based on age, gender, and life circumstance. The group setting allows participants to build friendships, practice social skills, learn teamwork, and develop leader characteristics. All services are completely free-of-charge and to ensure that sessions are primarily volunteer-led. Volunteers are trained in basic natural horsemanship, equipment safety and maintenance, intentional mentorship, and under an LCSW- with over 20 years of experience as a trauma therapist- learn how to engage in a healthy mentor relationship with those who have been through trauma.

The Junior Rancher groups meets every-other week and each session is 3 hours long. Session Seasons are divided into Spring, Summer, and Fall in which the duration of each is 3-4 months. The Sessions are planned by the Volunteer Leaders prior to the arrival of participants. They consist of accomplishing a chore involving horse care, an activity involving the horses to learn horsemanship and teamwork, and a "regroup" time of discussion and reflection. Volunteers plan lessons and guide conversations with the goal of building confidence, trust, and inspiring hope within the participants.

We evaluate the success of Junior Ranchers through observing the progress of the participant and how they’ve grown throughout being involved in sessions, spontaneous feedback and an end-of-season form feedback from parents/guardians and participants, the number of applications received upon recommendation of a current or former Ranch participant, and the number of participants who transition to volunteering once their age permits.

The requested amount is the total cost of maintaining a session horse for an entire year. They are the heart and soul of our session program and one of our core values is to ensure they are well cared for and content with what they do. Regular care like feed, supplements, farrier and vet visits, and barn maintenance are imperative to the session program to maintain the comfort of our horses so they can care for our participants.

Total Project Budget: 140,000

Other Funding
Sources For The Project (Committed & Potential): Private Donors for a total of $25,000

Project Duration: March 2022-December 2022
Geographical Area Served: Middle Tennessee
Age Group To Be Served: 9-24

Contact Information

Contact Prefix (Mr,Mrs etc.): Ms
Contact First Name: Rachel
Contact Last Name: Capps
Contact Title: Executive Assistant
Contact Phone: 6157212550
Contact Email: