Grant Request Ledyard Charter School
Hermanowski Family Foundation Initial Request Form
Organization Name: Ledyard Charter School
Legal Name (if Different):
Also Known As: LCS
Mailing Address: 39 Hanover Street
City: Lebanon
State: NH
Postal Code: 03766
Main Phone: 6037274772
Main Fax:
Organization Website:
Employer ID Number: 26-0376015
Organization Tax Status: 501 3 c tax exempt
Proposal Information
Today’s Date: May 1, 2024
Requested Amount: $10,000
Project Title: Outdoor Education for Disadvantaged Youth
Project Description:
Ledyard Charter School, located in an area with vast trail systems, rives, and woods, is piloting a new Outdoor Education program to transform our experiential education offerings. Our population is composed of economically disadvantaged, at-risk students who have limited life experiences – this new program will support our mission to lift youth out of poverty and set them on a path to be a healthy, happy, and high-achieving adult. Providing opportunities for students to explore the natural world will allow them to build skills in STEM subjects, community engagement, vocational training, and independence.
Tools and equipment for gardening, fishing, wildlife observation, water testing, and GMS land navigation will help students build skills and prepare for future careers in STEM. Partnerships with local organizations such as the Upper Valley Trails Alliance, Vermont Institute of Natural Science, Dahl Wildlife Sanctuary and Squam Lakes Natural Science Center, will allow our students to build knowledge, skills, and career options in land and wildlife conservations.
Outdoor clothing, cross country ski and snowshoe gear, and bicycles will make the Northern Rail Trail, spanning 58 miles and running directly in front of the school, more accessible. LCS is also located within walking distance of Star Hill Conservation Area which is built up of many winding nature trails, and Storrs Hill which has trails to a small waterfall.
The creation of an Outdoor Classroom on our school campus will lend variety to our more typical classroom lessons and will help students’ physical health as they enjoy academic pursuits outside on sunny days. With funding for picnic tables, tents, and an outdoor shed, we can create an impactful space where we can hold classes, full school assemblies, and labs. The addition of sports equipment will expand our physical education program and allow the creation of LCS’s first ever sports teams.
Total Project Budget: $42,000
Other Funding
Sources For The Project (Committed & Potential): Laura J. Niles Foundation, Wellborn Ecology Fund, more planned
Project Duration: 1 year pilot, sustained permenently
Geographical Area Served: Grafton County, New Hampshire
Age Group To Be Served: 14-18
Contact Information
Contact Prefix (Mr,Mrs etc.): Mrs.
Contact First Name: Wendy
Contact Last Name: Kozak
Contact Title: Executive Director
Contact Phone: 603-727-4772
Contact Email: